Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Missing Msvcr100.dll

When you first try to launch SQL developer on your PC you might run into “Msvcr100.dll is missing” error message. When you encounter above error massage, you will not be able to launch SQL developer.  However; there is a very simple step to fix this issue.

First thing you need to do is find MSvcr100.dll on your machine.  Normally it is available on “\Program Files\Java\jsdk1.7.0_04\bin” folder. Simply copy it and paste it to “\sqldeveloper\sqldeveloper\bin” folder.  This should fix the issue.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Date Functions

I always find date functions difficult to code as they can be confusing. Here are some of the date functions that can come handy while working with dates in Business Objects.
Last day of month =LastDayOfMonth(< Month>) 
First day of month =DayNumberOfWeek(< Month>) 
Days in a month  =DaysBetween(< Month> ,<last day of month >)+1 
Weekends =(Truncate((DayNumberOfWeek(< Month>)+<Days in a month >)/7 ,0)) 
Working Days =Floor(<Days in a month>-(<Weekends>)) 
6 working Days =If <first day of month > = 7  Then (< Working Days >+1) Else < Working Days >